Installing Topshelf


The simplest way to install Topshelf into your solution/project is to use NuGet.:

nuget Install-Package Topshelf

Raw Binaries

If you are a fan of getting the binaries you can get released builds from

Then you will need to add references to

  • Topshelf.dll

Compiling From Source

Lastly, if you want to hack on Topshelf or just want to have the actual source code you can clone the source from

To clone the repository using git try the following:

git clone git://

If you want the development branch (where active development happens):

git clone git://
cd Topshelf
git checkout develop

Build Dependencies

To compile Topshelf from source you will need the following developer tools installed:

  • .Net 4.0 sdk
  • ruby v 1.8.7
  • gems (rake, albacore)


To compile the source code, drop to the command line and type:


If you look in the .\build_output folder you should see the binaries.